Friday, October 30, 2009

The Nerd Dome Mystery Men...

Tonight, just like every other Thursday night this semester, I spent 5 hours in the Nerd Dome. That is what we affectionately call the Southern Utah University Gerald R. Sherratt Library. It looks like this:
We call that big round window the "Mission Impossible Window". Have you seen Mission Impossible 3? If you haven't, you won't understand this reference.

Anyways. My story...

By nature, I am a procrastinator. I come by it quite naturally. My mom will tell you. But she'll wait until the last minute to do so. Because of this trait that I was blessed with, you can always count on me to be doing my homework the night before it is due. This semester all of my classes that require homework are on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Thus, I am in the library for countless hours every Tuesday and Thursday evening.

Usually Gabby joins me after Ballroom Dance Company practice and studies with/distracts me for the last hour until the Nerd Dome closes at 11pm. Tonight was just the average Thursday night. I had my usual spot on the third floor at the third table back on the left side all settled and my books and papers spread from here to eternity. Gabby joined my table around 10.

It was about 10:30 when four young men emerged from the elevator and onto the third floor. This floor is my favorite because it is not as eerily quiet as the second floor and is always guaranteed to be a full 13 degrees warmer than it as well...anyways, back to my anecdote....

So the four gentleman stepped out of the elevator and seemed to disperse. Two of them paused just outside the elevator and turned their backs to us and whispered to each other. Although I took note that this seemed odd, I still had a lot of homework to finish before the 'The library is closing" bell chimed.

So I turned my focus back to my hilighter and the pages of my text book. When I looked up again, the boys were standing right next to our table, both with a single tiny rose in hand.

They gently placed the roses in front of Gabby and I, smiled and walked away....



That was....




All of the above!

We looked around for the gentlemen and caught a glimpse of them as they headed into the stairwell. The one who placed my rose smiled and waved as he disappeared....

So to the gentlemen who so thoughtfully placed those teeny roses and smiled kind smiles as we studied, stressed and so wished that library bell would ring early....Thank you. You made our evening just a little less monotonous.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

The Golden Girls and Falling Snow...

The SNOW has finally come! I have waited...not even very patiently... and it finally came...just in time to wash the "Honk! It's My Birthday" off the back window of my automobile.

In other news. I am officially one year older. And golden. See our 22nd Birthday was on October 22nd....We consider ourselves to now be as classy (and ancient) as the Golden Girls. I call being Dorothy Zbornak. She was the smart, classy and somewhat sassy one. Gabby will probably be Blanche Devereaux....she was the boy crazy one.

Gabby and I had a pretty splendid birthday. Nothing too extravagant...we are getting old and can't stay out too late or party too hard. It's hard on the arthritic joints. The festivities included a "family" pizza party with the ladies of Apartment #41, an early morning wake-up call to the smell of cookies baking and fruit pizzas being made....if you put cream cheese and fruit on a cookie that makes it okay to eat for breakfast right?

The homestead was filled with colorful balloons, streamers and the nicest friends two birthday girls could ask for.

The rest of the day was filled with studying for midterms (10 hours in the library...makes me shiver), a froomie and the novio creating us cupcakes made with love, late night runs to our favorite 24 hour Subway, and opening of gifts galore.

Thanks guys, for making it a super one.

Pictures of the blessed day, homecoming weekend and other exciting events coming soon.