Monday, November 24, 2008


Lately, I have come up with a theory for the way higher education is today...or rather they way I think it should be.

As stated in the previous post, I am currently pursuing my higher
education here...Also as previously stated, I love it here. It is really fantastic....However, I have some issues with my current financial status because of this place.

Southern Utah University's Current Out of State Tuition is:
$6,041.00 Per semester of 10-18 Credit Hours. This makes it $12, 082 per year. I know I said that this is such a great place, but seriously? So, once you've paid your tuition you are ready for your educational enlightenment right? No. There are student fees, class fees, department fees, your mom fees...not to mention books. In a poll of a very diverse crowd of students (AKA the girls in my living room) the average student pays somewhere between $300 and $600 for books....per semester. Not to mention rent, food, gas etc....Long story short, the expenses of school are slowly killing young Americans.

With this in mind, I have come up with a plan!
Don't you young Americans fret, I have an idea!
This isn't an elaborate plan, and it doesn't involve any graphs, pie charts or confusing visual aids...but, hear me out.

The way I look at it, the dominate reason that I am going to school is to create a future. Not only a future for myself, but for society...I am very glad that the people who are running the country today are educated people (for the most part). I am so glad that the generatios before mine, were filled with men and women who decided to get college
educations and learn about the world. The people that chose to turn in their college applications, to work hard to earn that Doctorate degree and to be assets to society, these are the people that are running the world today. Whether you agree with their political views or not, people like George W. Bush, Barack Obama, Conoleeza Rice and Nancy Pelosi are all very well educated people. I am appreciative of this. And I think it is safe to say that people of most generations are appreciative! Although we may harp on the mishaps and the mistakes made by these people, are we not grateful that they are not illiterate, dim-witted, high-school dropouts?

So, when Barack Obama has served his term(s) and the economy has seen it's ups and downs and we find ourselves 30 years in the future, who will be taking the hot seat and running the country? The world? Who will be president? Who will be educating the youth of the world? Who will be on the Supreme Court?.....We will be. The struggling, pimple-faced, Rock Band-playing,
Ramen-noodle-eating, homework-doing young Americans of today...Don't we want them to be educated?

This is where my plan comes in. I propose that the way higher education is treated is changed. Ask anyone over the age of 35 or so what they want in 30 years...most of them will answer, "to be able to retire comfortably and happily." I am not over 35, so I don't know this for sure, but I have a hunch...

So if in 30 years, the men and women running the world are in fact illiterate, dim-witted, high-school dropouts, is that happy retirement in the Florida Keys going to be at all possible? I doubt it.

Thus, I believe it should be the responsibility of the men and women who are CURRENTLY running the world to make sure that the future is safe...Make sure that the future presidents, Supreme Court Justices and members of the Senate are well educated and prepared to take on the tasks at hand! So, calling all who are over the age of 35 and would like to live a long and happy life that includes a happy and comfortable is time to pony up. Provide for your future.

We should not be paying to go to school, you should be paying us to go to school!!Italic

Then, when we have become successful and well established members of society, we will in turn pay for the NEXT generation to educate themselves and for them to prepare for running the world so that we too may have comfortable, sunny Florida retirements! In a poll of the aforementioned diverse group of current college students, they all agree...we would be more than happy to pay for tomorrows pimple-faced, Rock-Band-playing, Ramen-noodle-eating, homework-doing young Americans to educate themselves....once we are well established members of society.

It will work something like this:

As the top section of the fountain fills, it spills over into the lower section. When that lower section fills, it can the spill over into the section below. If each generation accepts help from the generation before it and gives help to the generation after, maybe the future can be safe indefinitely....

I am not naive enough to think that this perfection and ease is actually realistic or possible...but a girl can dream, right?

Just think....

So, if you are over the age of 35 and feel like you have established yourself as a positive addition to society and would like to contribute to the future, we, in Apartment 14 accept checks, money orders and cash.

Honestly, who wouldn't want to help these loons?!


{lauren} said...

i like pie

Jess said...

Don't forget credit and debit. I except those too. *pulls out credit machine from under bed* And I am waiting :)